How to Update Apple Payment and Shipping Information

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2018

Today we are going to talk about Apple Payment and Shipping Information and if you have already added Payment and Shipping Information under your Apple ID and added a credit card to make purchases, we show you how you can go into Settings and Update Your Apple Payment and Shipping Information in case you made an error in your billing address or something like that. 

If you haven't added a credit card yet, you will need to if you want to make purchases in the App Store, Buy extra iCloud Storage and so on. So you will learn step-by-step how you can go in and change your Payment and Shipping Information.

It is a very easy thing to do when you know what you are doing. If you don't then this video tutorial makes it really easy for you to watch and then do it yourself. If you have an iPad and iPhone you can follow along on your iPhone, while watching on your iPad.

If you just have an iPhone or iPad then you will have to watch the video first or pause the video partly way through and go do what you learned so far, then go back to the video, then come back to finish the changes off. That may be too confusing, so watching the whole video then go in and do what you learned in the video lesson will work great too. We make it really easy for you to learn and to solve your problem(s). 

You want to go into Settings in your iPhone to gain access to your Apple ID so you can go in and change your Payment and Shipping Information if need be. Here is what it's going to look like for you.

Inside the Settings App, ~ Step 1 Click on Apple ID, iCloud, iTunes & App Store


Inside the Settings App, ~ Step 2 Click on Payment & Shipping

Inside the Settings App, ~ Step 3 Click on Visa Section

Inside the Settings App, ~ Step 4 Put in your iPhone or iPad Passcode

Inside the Settings App, ~ Step 5 Update your Apple Payment Information, (Credit Card, Expire Date, Security Code, and your Address)

You can just follow the screenshots as well to gain success at changing your Apple Payment and Shipping Information. Either way, we are here to make it easy for you in solving any problem you have. 

Video now is the fastest way to Learn. It is growing at an alarming rate online. People from all walks of Life are watching Billions of hours online each month and it continues to grow and grow. 

You can watch any video that GIT, Get Into Technology creates and Post on any device you may have. iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro computers as it comes down to you and what you like to watch or read on. We made it really easy for you to Learn.

One through five in the screenshots we Posted above takes you through the steps. In the video tutorial, it's more in-depth and shows you Every step of the way with video. Let us know what you think of our videos and content as our aim is to provide you with the best information as possible to solve any problem you have.

If there is anything that you are having trouble with let us know in the Comment section and will get to you with an answer.  Thanks for reading GIT, Blog Posting.

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P.S. Remeber to get FREE Access to 4-Part Mini IOS Email Course for iPad and iPhone. 

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